Harbourside Films is a television production company based in Southampton. It was founded in 2023 by four highly-experienced television producers who are also trusted friends. Between them, they’ve worked within almost every genre of television making – from hard-hitting access based factual series and docs, true crime, children’s tv, wildlife, features & fact ent – and most of the rest. And they’ve all won a fair few television awards along the way too!

Some of the team's senior producer/exec credits include The One Show, DIY SOS, Blue Peter, Caught Red handed, The Queen and I for the BBC;  The £1 Houses: Britain’s Cheapest Street, How to Look Good Naked, You Are What You Eat, Tricks of the Restaurant Trade for Channel 4; Saving Planet Earth(ITV); David Fuller: Monster in the Morgue (Sky Docs); James Martin's Dig Deep (Discovery); The World’s Most Dangerous Roads (UKTV) and on Animal Planet Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures and Postcards from the Wild.

Harbourside Films prides itself on delving deep into the heart of human stories. We embrace diversity and excel in producing films that resonate with warmth, integrity, and creativity. With a team known for their unwavering passion, production values, attention to detail and distinctive style, we have built a reputation for delivering astonishing stories that truly engage and inspire.

Claire Masters, Mary Albion, Carol White and Rich George


All rights reserved. Harbourside Films.

© 2023